Advanced Television: Sky Italia has released details of its London 2012 Olympics interactive coverage. Its Sky Sport HD channel will offer a “complete, on-the-move, do-it-yourself and interactive experience – guaranteeing a much wider offer than in the past”. Subscribers will have access to: - 13 channels dedicated
to the Olympic Games: 12 in HD and 1 in 3D (for the first time in Italy). - Coverage of over 2,000 hours of competition live broadcasting. - The 12-boxes screen that will allow the viewer to follow all sports on air at the same time, as well as to choose one to be watched live, creating his own Olympic schedule (please see below). - ’Olympic alerts’ will allow the viewer to be warned either when a medal is awarded (“Medal alert”) or anytime a competition featuring the well-known Olympic champions (“Champion alert”) starts. Source: Advanced Television
to the Olympic Games: 12 in HD and 1 in 3D (for the first time in Italy). - Coverage of over 2,000 hours of competition live broadcasting. - The 12-boxes screen that will allow the viewer to follow all sports on air at the same time, as well as to choose one to be watched live, creating his own Olympic schedule (please see below). - ’Olympic alerts’ will allow the viewer to be warned either when a medal is awarded (“Medal alert”) or anytime a competition featuring the well-known Olympic champions (“Champion alert”) starts. Source: Advanced Television