Obama Campaign Releases New Ads Touting Auto Bailout

While George W. Bush was the one to initiate the auto industry bailout in 2008, it is President Barack Obama who is trying to capitalize on it with the release of two new television advertisements as part of his reelection campaign. In the first spot, Obama explains that while the decision to intervene in the auto industry was not popular, it was the right thing to do as it saved more than a million jobs in America and "restore middle class security". The second spot shares the thoughts of Ohio autoworker Brian Slagle about the US$80 billion bailout. "The auto industry was crashing down, I was scared to death. I had a newborn baby, wife, house, and I got laid off. I wasn't sure what I was going to do," Slagle says. "Obama stuck his neck out for us, the auto industry. He wasn't just going to let it die. And I'm driving in this morning because of that. Because of him," he adds. You can watch both TV spots in the videos below and then head over to the comments to sound off. Source: Carscoop