(Reuters) - Demonized in Europe's media as a red-eyed Terminator robot, a flabby centerfold pinup and a fleshy Roman god eating Greeks, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the subject of a new wave of vitriol for her tough stance on the euro zone crisis. Already a figure of hate in Greece for insisting on austerity in exchange for aid, Merkel has long endured montages of herself in a Nazi uniform, but the run-up to this week's EU summit has unleashed particularly savage images and headlines. Politicians from Paris to Washington are piling pressure on Merkel, leader of Europe's biggest economy, to solve the debt crisis which threatens to derail the global economy. But 'Frau Nein' shows little sign of giving ground on such issues as mutualizing Europe's debt or slashing public spending - not least because her approach has boosted her popularity among German voters in the countdown to next year's election. Britain's left-wing New Statesman magazine last week splashed an image of Merkel as the Terminator with a glistening robotic eye and Arnold Schwarzenegger-style black jacket on its front cover under the headline "Europe's most dangerous leader".
Source: The Coming Crisis