By Igor Siletsky, Pershkina Anastasiya: Chess can be played by more than two players. For example, a game involving four players is called Chaturanga. Although, the greater the number of players, the more difficult the game is. This applies to politics as well, in particular the current crisis in Syria. Moscow and Washington are the two main players in the game around Damascus, while the others are playing auxiliary roles. So far, Russia has had an advantage in this game, playing the white pieces. Chairman of the Israeli Chess Federation Moshe Slav shared his view on the Syrian problem with The Voice of Russia in his interview for the project Big Game: Chess and Politics.“The larger the number of parties involved in a political dispute, like the one in Syria, the more difficult it is to find a solution. At present, I believe, the game is being played by two countries, Russia and the US. It is clear that Russia has a strong influence on Syria, so, in my opinion, no solution can be found there without Russia’s consent. Moscow realizes that what is going on in Syria should be stopped somehow, as it is claiming too many unnecessary casualties. The quest now is who will influence the opposition and the new government. This is what the ongoing struggle between the US and Russia is about. It is clear that President al-Assad’s career is over but the world is waiting for Moscow and Washington to play the final chord. Tags: World, Syria, Politics, Commentary, Читать далее, Source: Voice of Russia.