his own spin on "therapy" and pins each grieving participant against one another in a bracket-style competition, to determine who "wins" with the most pain and suffering . King makes it clear he doesn't think talking about his feelings will do any good; he has to do something, like work, to get past his pain. But when King returns to work, he goes ballistic on Terrell Owens, after he sees him texting while driving in the parking garage . When I say ballistic, I mean he starts throwing food at T.O.'s car and almost gets into a full-on brawl… we know who would win that one, and let's just say it isn't the funny white dude. While King somehow manages to avoid a black eye, he is hit with the realization that maybe therapy isn't such a bad idea after all. At the very end of the pilot episode, we learn King's wife wastexting while driving, ran a stop
sign, and was hit by another car. In this comedy/drama sitcom, we're going to watch as King deals with his grief and finds friendships and hope in an unlikely place. Why should you watch? If you don't have enough time to watch an hour of drama, deceit and gossip, this may be the new show for you! It's based on a tough reality, but the show successfully displays this in a light and heartwarming way. After just one episode, I already love Matthew Perry's character . Now all we need to make this a perfect show is for Perry's character to get a wannabe actor roommate, who's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Any suggestions ? I'd also love to see a cameo by Regina Phalange! Starring: Matthew Perry -- Ryan King, Laura Benanti -- Lauren Schneider, John Cho -- Steven, Julie White -- Anne, Photo Credits: NBC, Source: Starpulse.com