By Ilya Kharlamov, China intends to significantly increase its missile potential. According to the influential Jane’s Defence Weekly, China has successfully test-fired the Dongfeng-41 (DF-41) intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching any spot on US territory. Beijing denied the information, but admitted that it is developing a new-generation ICB capable of destroying targets all across the world. Beijing seems to start placing its stake on an alternative cooperation with the United States, China’s main economic partner. It’s clear the two countries’ trade and economic ties will dominate for years to come. At the same time, instability in various parts of the world and the US’ ever-increasing ambitions prompt China to consider taking a spate of the military containment-related steps.On Thursday, Washington signaled its readiness to deploy elements of the US missile shield in Asia and the Far East, something that is almost certain to prod China to further expand its regional clout by notably beefing up its military might. Alexander Larin is expert of the Moscow-based Far East Institute. Source: Voice of Russia.