Cotton County, the brand that celebrates natural appeal of cotton is looking to create a leadership position through fast forward growth. Commenting on company’s vision ahead, Dharminder Batra, VP Marketing, Cotton County Retail says, “We look at every Indian as our customer and will operate on a pan-India basis expanding in metros, Tier I, II and III cities. We will expand to a 1,000 showrooms and are also exploring foreign markets. With the opening of the retail sector and foreign companies and equity coming in, we are looking for a joint venture or partnership possibilities. Moving away from its earlier discount model, wherein it offered 40 to 50 per cent off or buy one, get one free offers, the brand is becoming more fashion oriented. “So the quality and product you get is equal to the product and quality of a fresh brand,” explains Batra, adding, “For Cotton County, quality has a significant importance of its own which can describe the potential of the company in no time. We believe that if the quality is good, there is room for this brand to survive in this corporate world.” The brand’s USP lies in the use of breathe easy cotton fabric that is functional, comfortable, natural, organic and therefore, environment friendly. The functional textiles are fashioned with more innovative finishes that merge nature with technique. Cotton County is a totally integrated player across the entire value chain of manufacturing and retailing. “The brand is largely targeted at the value seeking consumers. Our different brands, Cotton County, French Republic Premium, and Youth 2216, are targeted at various lifestyle requirements of the target consumer,” states Batra. Offering menswear collection of formal shirts, casual shirts, T- shirts, trousers, denims, Cargos, capris, shorts, winter wear and suits, County County brand is available in 700 retail points, including over 550 EBOs and 125 shop-in-shops and select MBOs. “Going forward we will be concentrating on MBOs and this will be our main engine of growth for the next year,” Batra explains. The parent company Cotton County Retail is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nahar Industrial Enterprises which was set up in 1949. The promoters' belief of ‘where commitment leads, achievement follows’ has led to tremendous growth, with the company involved in spinning weaving, processing and garmenting and supplies to some of the biggest brands in the world. Source: Fashion United