Elizabeth Taylor's dressing room trailer from the set of Cleopatra has been vandalized. Taylor fan Angel Alger purchased the trailer for a whopping $50,000 at an auction in June and loaned it out to TV bosses shooting Lindsay Lohan's new Lifetime movie Liz & Dick. However, when the pink luxury trailer was returned to Alger last month, the iconic home from home was severely damaged, with cigarette burns on the fabric and shards of glass thrown about from broken mirrors and dishes, according to photos obtained by CNN.com. An antique rocking chair used by the actress was also missing, as well as several of Taylor's other personal belongings. Alger says, "I was specifically told that it would come back in pristine condition and in even better condition than it was at that time. I did not get to enjoy using the lavish French phone that she used or even her personal hair brush that probably still had some of her hair in it." "Only a psychotic and rebellious person or people would steal irreplaceable museum belongings and leave it in this vandalized condition." However, Lohan's publicist, Steve Honig, has assured Alger the troubled 26 year old is not to blame, adding, "This has nothing to do with Lindsay." The cost of damages is estimated to be upwards of $100,000.a, Photo Credits: Allposters , PR Photos , Miguel Aguilar/Nathanael Jones, PacificCoastNews.com, Source: Starpulse.com