Billionaire Investor Warren Buffet has added two huge California wind farms to his energy portfolio. Over the weekend, MidAmerican Wind, a subsidiary of Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway announced it has purchased two wind projects from California Highwind Power. The two projects are the 168 MW Alta Wind VII and the 132 MW Alta Wind IX. In a written statement MidAmerican Wind president Tom Budler said the purchases demonstrate his company's commitment to developing wind generation in the US. “The two projects, which are part of the largest wind farm in the country, make an excellent addition to our growing portfolio of renewable energy assets as we continue to evaluate and acquire wind projects,” he continued. The wind farms are part of the larger Alta Wind Energy Center. When the entire center is complete, it will have a total capacity of 1,329 MW and supply power to Southern California Edison, with which it has a power purchase agreement through 2035. The wind projects purchased by MidAmerican Wind will employ 100 Vestas 3 MW V90 wind turbines. Source: Renewable Energy Magazine