Dozens of tourists who shelled out hundreds of dollars for an exclusive African safari at Walt Disney World were sickened with a debilitating stomach virus that left them vomiting for days. Health officials in Orlando, Florida, are working to track down the source of the mysterious bug, but they have not been able to determine what has made so many people ill. The tourists were on the 'Wild Africa Trek,' a VIP tour of Disney's Animal Kingdom wildlife park that allows VIP guests to see hippopotamuses, crocodiles and other exotic animals up close as they sample food from Africa. Disney has responded to the outbreak by making sure its employees are washing their hands more often and giving the tour a 'deep clean' -- scrubbing down any surfaces guests are likely to touch. The park is also encouraging them to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer, the Orlando Sentinel reports. The Wild Africa Trek is a pricy tour Disney added 18 months ago to give some guests the opportunity to have a more personalized view of the Animal Kingdom. Source; The Coming Crisis