Photo: EPA
In the event of a zombie attack, the UK Ministry of Defense would provide military support to the Cabinet Office who would co-ordinate the military’s efforts to “return England to its pre-attack glory”, according to a response from the Ministry of Defense to a Freedom of Information inquiry about zombies. "In the event of an apocalyptic incident (eg zombies), any plans to rebuild and return England to its pre-attack glory would be led by the Cabinet Office, and thus any pre-planning activity would also taken place there,” reveals the authorities’ response to an inquiry about their readiness for a zombie attack. “The Ministry of Defense's role in any such event would be to provide military support to the civil authorities, not take the lead. Consequently, the Ministry of Defense holds no information on this matter,” it continues. Zombies appear quite often in inquiries from the UK public. Last year, Bristol city council replied that in case of a ‘zombie pandemic’, staff would be told to listen out for code words in radio and television broadcasts to warn them that an attack was under way, and given health and safety advice on the correct way to kill zombies. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 has created a public “right of access” to information held by public authorities. At the same time, people who make such requests about zombies, wizards and vampires are criticized for “being time-wasters who are costing the taxpayer money.”Source: Voice of Russia