London Social networking giant Facebook will ensure your messages will reach the inbox of the company''s CEO MarkZuckerberg- but it will cost you. The firm is asking users to pay 100 dollars for sending their messages to Zuckerberg, and some others selected members. The charge is part of a test of a system designed by Facebook to both raise some revenue and reduce spam, the Telegraph reports. It was first introduced in December, with a charge of 1 dollar for the sender of a message to reach the inbox of a Facebookmember who is not their friend. According to the report, Facebook said that it wanted to determine whether adding a "financial signal" improves its formula for delivering "relevant and useful" messages to members'' inboxes. Now, in order to reach VIPs with large numbers of followers who are not friends, including Zuckberg, Facebook members involved in the test, which is currently only running in the United States, face a charge of 100 dollars. The VIPs that are part of the test will receive only one message from a stranger to their main inbox each week, the report said. Facebook has not said how many public figures are involved or whether they have been informed, but said it had set a threshold of number of followers to decide who to include, the report added. Image Link Flickr, Source: Express India