Transformation is a scientific terminology, As all time great Sir Albert Einstein, says every thing is made by energy when energy circulate inside anything then reflects the attribute as outcome of the same that's why transformation is connect with every thing, but specialty of an object, instrument, entity, any thing or one individual to another makes a major difference in the result of energy circulation, can compare find the
result for example: F-22 Raptor with any fighter plane or yourself with Albert Einstein, leadership is the human known attribute also a result of transformation, which generates a force to create accurate individuals, systems, vary field to field or position to position, Watch an important Animation on Transformational leadership?
result for example: F-22 Raptor with any fighter plane or yourself with Albert Einstein, leadership is the human known attribute also a result of transformation, which generates a force to create accurate individuals, systems, vary field to field or position to position, Watch an important Animation on Transformational leadership?