President Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives’ Supervisory Board on Tuesday. He spoke about the need to teach young entrepreneurs how to launch, develop and advance technological companies and how to steer them into the market. The agency was set up two years ago on Putin’s personal initiative to support socially significant projects in the innovative sector. Six projects have been approved since and made remarkable headway. Putin urges prosecutors to better protect children’s rights Prosecutor's offices must give serious attention to the defense of minors' rights and to programs to 
provide orphaned children with housing, said President Vladimir Putin. "The defense of minors' rights must remain under special control. The situation leaves much to be desired here. We are working intensively with civil society, and we instruct governments at all levels to support the family and to defend children's rights. You must join this work within the framework of your duties," Putin told senior officials of the Prosecutor General's Office. As an example Putin cited the problem of providing orphaned children with housing, saying that local governments chose housing unfit for orphaned children to live in, or do not provide funding for this purpose at all. "Of course, one can always blame cash shortages for the failure to solve the problem, but local governments can always find money," Putin said. "Almost 14,000 court orders to defend parentless children's rights have not been fulfilled. I would ask prosecutors, jointly with regional authorities, to concentrate on this sensitive problem," Putin said. The president also urged prosecutors to deal with all instances of wage, benefit and compensation arrears, and other violations of citizens' labor and social rights. Russian president equates people’s trust in government to success of anti-corruption effort,
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on prosecutors to step up their crackdown on corruption because citizens' trust in the authorities depends on the degree to which these measures are effective. "Citizens' trust in government structures in general largely depends on the degree to which our work in this area [counter-corruption fight] is effective, which, for its part, is important for national stability and the effectiveness of the state itself," Putin said at an expanded session of the Prosecutor General's Office board on Tuesday. Putin demands law enforcement agencies be cleansed of lawbreakers President
Vladimir Putin has urged law enforcement agencies to get rid of officers who commit serious violations in a timely fashion. "Sure, the Interior Ministry, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the prosecutor's offices and the Investigative Committee are special but they are still organizations reflecting all problems of our society as if in a droplet of water. There must be no hysteria over every violation exposed in law enforcement authorities. The response must be professional: it is necessary to promptly get rid of persons who commit violations," Putin said at an expanded meeting of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. Voice of Russia, Interfax, TASS, Surce: Voice of Russia