Fresh Marketing Ideas: Pisani Fresh Marketing has issued the following advice for the development of fresh

produce brands: Many believe that you need millions of Euros to create a successful brand. Which is true – if you mean building one of the brands that everyone knows. But is also true that many brands which were launched with millionaire budgets went nowhere. We have many examples. So, can we conclude that big advertising budgets are not enough to guarantee success? On the opposite side, we have examples of brands that got excellent results with much more limited budgets. So, can we say that big launch budgets are not needed? Truth is that before the budget, the idea counts. If a brand idea is strong, it may obtain good results even if not supported by huge communication budgets. Why? Because today communication is more democratic than years ago: internet and social media allow strong ideas to be shared much faster than before and at very low cost. Packaging nowadays is a wonderful way to communicate – at basically no cost. Journalists are always in search of new and interesting things, and are willing to talk about them in magazines and newspapers, if the idea is worth it. Indeed, when a concept is new and relevant it can find his way through even without spending too much money to get it known. On the contrary, if an idea is weak, even millions of Euros spent in advertising will not pay its way into consumers’ minds. The loads of money spent in communication without relevant messages for who’s listening will pass like fresh water. Nobody will speak about it on the internet and social media. Journalists will not mention it in their articles. After some time, the brand owner will notice no results and will cut communication budgets. After some more time, the brand will completely disappear. In the end, the message is simple. A great idea is more important than a great budget. So, if you do not have big money to spend, do not give up. Work on developing a strong brand idea, and communicate it as you can afford to. Sure, without means you won’t create the next Coca-Cola. But if you find a strong and innovative concept, many good things may happen. For more information: Maurizio Pisani, Email:,,
Source: Fresh Plaza