SEOUL, KOREA - Throughout the entire part of the media ranging from films to photos and games, the contents using 3D technology are gaining more popularity today. 3D products, however, have a critical weakness. To fully enjoy them, users need to have dedicated glasses. Designed to overcome the weakness, non-glasses 3D display is drawing ever-rising attention. The demand for non-glasses 3D display is expected to continue to grow since it can be used in a wide variety of areas.Against this backdrop, a local company “3D Factory” succeeded in commercializing 65-inch non-glasses 3D display, garnering attention from the related industries. The 65-inch non-glasses 3D display, developed by 3D Factory, boasts high-quality resolution that is about four times higher than that of existing FHD. Prior to the 65-inch display, 3D Factory has already developed 24-, 39- and 50-inch displays. In the world’s largest home electronics exhibition CES 2014, 3D Factory displayed a 55-inch UHD non-glasses display. Source: Korea-Times