Nigeria has been suffering from corruption, civil war and violence for over a decade. During that time, millions of people starved, got injured and suffered over their national, ethnic and religious beliefs. Even more people became victims of government officials, military and opposition in an attempt to establish peace of their own in the country.
Recent episode with kidnapping of schoolgirls made the world realize once again about the horrible situation inside Nigeria. That's why Senator McCain is urging the US to interfere. At least that's what he would have done if he were the US President, he admitted. It seems that Washington tends to think that it has become its duty to interfere into the policies of other states with their diplomacy, drones and sanctions. Senator McCain is just honest enough and not ashamed to express his thoughts out loud. It is not hard to follow this logic by looking back at Libya intervention, recent attempt to invade Syria, continued economic sanctions against Iran. It is complicated to figure out what is more terrible in that, all those people who suffer due to the US actions or that the country is stabilizing its economy with those steps. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said on Tuesday he would like to send US troops to Nigeria to rescue the girls, regardless whether Nigerian government would allow that or not. "If they knew where they were, I certainly would send in US troops to rescue them, in a New York minute I would, without permission of the host country," McCain told The Daily Beast. "I wouldn't be waiting for some kind of permission from some guy named Goodluck Jonathan." McCain claimed that if he were the US President he would have already prepared the troops outside of Nigeria so that they could enter the country at the earliest convenience. "I would not be involved in the niceties of getting the Nigerian government to agree, because if we did rescue these people, there would be nothing but gratitude from the Nigerian government, such as it is," he told The Daily Beast. It seems that McCain is not the only one who thinks that way. On Monday Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., a member of the House Intelligence Committee told CNN that he would support sending US special forces in order to save the girls to Nigeria as well. "If the president decided to use special forces, I certainly would not oppose them. I realize all the complexities involved, all the dangers involved," King said, but "as commander-in-chief, if he made that decision, I would support him." Olga Zamanskaya, Source: Voice Of Russia