We’re going to win this race: Biden

The Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden declared “we're going to win this race” and the nation is with the Democrats.

Biden made the remarks in a late-night address on Friday evening, local time.

However, the former vice president did not make any final announcement even though he gave a hint of victory in his speech.

“We have not yet received the final results of the election,” Biden said, adding: “But looking at the results from different states, it is clear that we are going to win. We are now ahead in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona. 74 million Americans voted for us. I want to say again, 74 million!” 

He said no presidential candidate in the history of the United States had received so many votes before. He urged everyone to calm down and wait for the final result. 

The Democratic Party candidate said he discussed yesterday (Thursday) with Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris about racial injustice, climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, and economic instability.

“I offer my condolences to those who lost their loved ones in COVID. We will all try to bring the COVID under control. I will try to reduce unemployment.”

Referring to freedom of expression, Obama’s running mate said dissidents are also heard in democracies. It is important to have a different opinion to uphold democracy. “We will listen to all those who voted for us and those who did not. There are problems in our country. We will try to solve the existing problems in the country without increasing them,” he said.

“Our identity is American,” Biden said, referring to the national unity. “I will appear before you again tomorrow.”

The BBC reports that Biden has so far secured 264 electoral college votes in the election. His rival, President Trump, won 214 electoral colleges.

Biden has overtaken Trump in Pennsylvania, the most discussed state in the election right now. If he wins in this state, he will get the required 270 electoral college votes. The long wait for the election results will come to an end. 

The state’s vote count is almost over. Biden is ahead with more than 27,000 votes. If Pennsylvania wins by 20, Biden’s Electoral College will have 273 votes.Biden is also slightly ahead of Trump in Georgia, a key state in the election. However, the votes of this important battlefield will be recounted. Source: https://www.daily-bangladesh.com/