Kanzi Apples is launching its new marketing campaign for the 2012 - 13 season to the trade at the

National Fruit Show from 17-18 October. The brand is announcing a partnership with national charity Heart Research UK. Kanzi’s ‘boudoir’ themed stand – designed to tie in with the brand theme of seduction – will be used at the Fruit Show and at events throughout the campaign. Kanzi will be working with Heart Research UK charity to help promote healthy lifestyles and will support them with a £10,000 donation. Specially marked packs will be sold through multiple retailers during the 2012-2013 selling season to raise awareness of the new partnership. Heart Research UK, founded in 1967, funds pioneering research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease. The partnership with Kanzi will raise valuable funds for its educational work with communities focusing on the importance of healthy lifestyles including advice on diet and exercise. James Simpson, Managing Director of Adrian Scripps Ltd, who manage Kanzi Apples in the UK, said: "We are delighted to be working with Heart Research UK as part of our new campaign. The charity funds vital medical research and plays a very important role in educating people about heart health and we are pleased to be able to contribute to this work."
Barbara Harpham, national director of Heart Research UK said: "Heart Research UK and Kanzi Apples are a great partnership and, together, we will help people to live healthier, happier, longer lives. This year, we

celebrate helping hearts for 45 years and the money raised will help us continue our pioneering medical research, Master Classes for local, young doctors to learn best techniques and treatments for their patients and rehabilitation for children with heart problems, as well as projects that help communities help themselves. Apples are so fresh, tasty and healthy and an ideal way to promote healthy heart eating." Other activities planned during the campaign include extensive media relations work, recipe development, social media activity and a programme of experiential marketing using the ‘boudoir’ theme to bring Kanzi to a wider audience.
For more information: Madeleine Waters, Arbor Creative, Tel: +44 7778 702221,
madeleine@arborcreative.com or Chris Child, Heart Research UK ,
Source: Fresh Plaza