With Google being the major presence on the internet and now seemingly having ties to the government and doing their bidding in providing information and even censoring web sites, it should come as no surprise that

Google is now in the business of gun control. That’s right, Google Shopping is now controlling guns, ammunition and gun accessories from showing up in their search. They are censoring perfectly legal products. A weapon’s parts and accessories vendor, Hamlund Tactical received a notice from Google outlining what they expected from their customer. The notice said:
Dear Merchant, We’re writing to let you know about some upcoming changes to the product listings you submit to Google. As we recently announced, we are starting to transition our shopping experience to a commercial model that builds on Product Listing Ads. This new shopping experience is called Google Shopping. As part of this transition, we’ll begin to enforce a set of new policies for Google Shopping in the coming weeks. A new list of the allowed, restricted, and prohibited products on Google Shopping is available on our new policy page –
http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/ApI7UWRj6OCZpd. Based on a review of the products you’re currently submitting, it appears that some of the content in your Merchant Center account, HamLund Tactical, will be affected by these policy changes. In particular we found that your products may violate the following policies:
Weapons When we make this change, Google will disapprove all of the products identified as being in violation of policies. We ask that you make any necessary changes to your feeds and/or site to comply, so that your products can continue to appear on Google Shopping.
Source: The Coming Crisis