The German Chancellery, normally only a place where top politicians convene, was host to seven apple queens from various German cultivation areas on October 8, German website reports.In front of the Chancellery's cabinet room, they presented richly filled fruit baskets with various German apple varieties to Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Federal Ministers and State Secretaries. Angela Merkel was pleased with a very extraordinary basket: hers was completely filled with Boskoop apples, the Chancellor's favourite apple. The other cabinet members were also presented with freshly harvested apples by the ambassadors. Apart from the red Boskoop, the fruit baskets contained the Elstar, Jonagold, Holsteiner Cox and Jonagored varieties. The apple queens' visit to the Chancellery is a tradition in Germany. At the start of the season, the apple queens celebrate the apple harvest in Germany by presenting the fruit baskets. Source: Article