Google co-founder says 'Internet freedom facing greatest threat than ever'

Sergey Brin
London, Apr 16 (ANI): Search giant Google's co-founder Sergey Brin has warned that the principles of openness and universal access that underpinned the creation of the Internet three decades ago are under greater threat than ever. During an interview with The Guardian, Brin said there were 'very powerful forces that have lined up against the open Internet on all sides and around the world'. "I am more worried than I have been in the past. It's scary," the paper quoted him, as saying. Brin stressed that the threat to Internet freedom comes from a combination of governments increasingly trying to control access and communication by their citizens, the entertainment industry's attempts to crack down on piracy, and the rise of 'restrictive' walled gardens such as Facebook and Apple, which tightly control what software can be released on their platforms. He expressed more concern over efforts of countries such as China, Saudi Arabia and Iran to censor and restrict the use of the Internet. Brin, however, warned that the rise of Facebook and Apple, which have their own proprietary platforms and control access to their users, risked stifling innovation and balkanising the web. According to the paper, he also slammed Facebook for not making it easy for users to switch their data to other services. "Facebook has been sucking down Gmail contacts for many years," Brin said. (ANI) Source: News Track India, Image Link Flickr
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Romney – Obama. Who is outsourcer-in-chief?

Romney – Obama. Who is outsourcer-in-chief?
By Jessica Jordan, GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and President Obama are hitting battle-ground states this week as the race for the White House remains at a virtual standstill. President Obama is pushing his plan to extend tax cuts for those making under 250,000 dollars a year. Both sides are spurring over who is the real outsourcer-in-chief. I’m on the line with Diane Ikenson to talk more about this, Diane is director of
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American political system based on the leaks - expert

"I’m afraid that now Assange and his organization is under a tremendous pressure and you never know what kind of deals this organization could make with those who decide the fate of Mr. Assange." - Gennady Yevstafyev, retired Lieutenant General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service said in a Voice of Russia interview. You understand that WikiLeaks is an organization, it is not only Bradley Manning and Assange himself, there are dozens of people in the world. Among them there are human sources and I think the electronic penetration of different, mostly American, official organizations information of which is being used in WikiLeaks publications. And depending on the situation you should study whose interest is to have this information and who is sponsoring the leakage of this information through the WikiLeaks channel because I can’t exclude that there could be some inspired information depending on what political purposes are really pursued in this particular case.Basically we know very well that American political system is based on the leaks and they are very often government sponsored or semi-sponsored and only very rarely the leaks are really coming from independent people whose political affiliations are not very well known. In American system when you don’t have a party, some people from the opposite party often do the leakage and really do it for political purposes. Source: Voice of Russia.
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